Welcome to JETPUBS – Tim Herzer

JETPUBS is pleased to welcome our newest employee, Tim Herzer! Coming from a background in aviation through education and previous employment in the industry, Tim is a wonderful fit for his new position as OMS/Standards Manager.

Tim attended both University of Minnesota-Twin Cities and Spartan School of Aeronautics-Tulsa, OK where he received a Bachelor of Arts in History and his commercial pilot certification.

Tim first discovered JETPUBS and its role in the aviation community while working with our Director of Standards Wally Hines at Sun Country Airlines and seeing JETPUBS cockpit posters in the Sun Country SOC. Tim’s extensive aviation knowledge and experience, particularly related to airline technical publications, offer a professional perspective to the OMS/Standards Manager position. Tim’s expertise regarding documentation delivery and enhancing the way documents are delivered to pilots, mechanics, ground personnel, and more sets the stage for a bright future in the position.

“I look forward to helping shape the future of how aviation manuals are written and distributed to meet current and future needs. End users demand faster access to information than what can be accomplished with PDFs and other current distribution methods. A time reduction searching for information, and a reliable, fast, and comprehensive distribution system will reduce a company’s costs,” shared Tim.

Outside of work, Tim likes listening to music and watching the “big four” sports (football, basketball, baseball, and hockey). In addition, he enjoys spending time with his family.

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